Zen and the Art of Endurance
Zen and the Art of Triathlon
A triathlete's view on training, racing, and living the multisport life
Listen in for insider tips, methods, dealing with family, injury, traveling, and racing
Tune in, turn on, and work out.
Zen Endurance 725 - Japanese Forest Bathing
Zen Endurance 725 - Japanese Forest Bathing
ZenEndurance 724 - Snow Day like Tomorrow
ZenEndurance 723 - Cool Runnings
ZenDurance 722 - The 10 Minute Habit That Can Change Your Life
ZenDurance 721 - Night Running and Training Nirvana
ZenDurance 720 - Method of No Method
Zendurance 719 - Quality through Slow
Endurance 718 - How to train high volume with time efficiency
ZenDurance 717 - Is San Marcos, TX the next endurance Mecca_
Zendurance 716 - Justin McQuerry is Going to UCI Gravel Worlds!