William Lee Mapp, III
Will Mapp is a technologist and futurist with over 30 years of digital technology experience and he's seen and experienced all of the hype. theSync is a weekly peek at the weird, wild, web of the technology industry
Stay up-to-date, and ahead of the curve by listening to a distillation of the latest technology news by the one of the industry's most seasoned thought leaders
Will brings 30 years of technology product and service experience to theSync, peppered with a healthy serving of cynicism about technology's hype-fueled media machine
He share's his thoughts on what's real, what's nuts, and what's broken about the technology industrial complex
Will is featured weekly on First News 570, has been featured on Fox News Radio, and is the host of The Cloud: Digital Technology
Decoded. New episodes are dropped weekly
Some episodes feature recorded segments of theSync from First News 570. Please rate and subscribe to theSync. Please email comments and topic suggestions to: (C) MMXXIV Astrid Intermedia All Rights Reserved.
- Episode 167: theSync: Futureproof - Using Technology to Keep Your Business Ahead of the Competition
- Episode 166: theSync: The 2016 Annual Gift Guide
- Episode 165: theSync LIVE: Securing Your Small Business' Technology
- Episode 164: theSync LIVE: Annual Back to School Gadget Guide
- Episode 163: theSync LIVE!: How to Be a Successful Amazon Seller
- Episode 162: theSync LIVE!: Communication is Key
- Episode 161: theSync LIVE!: Behold Our Robot Overlords How You Can Use AI and Bot Technology in Your Small Business
- Episode 160: theSync LIVE!: Incubating Your Ideas
- Episode 159: theSync: 2016 Presidential Campaign Politics and Social Media Marketing
- Episode 158: theSync: Apple vs. FBI and What It Means to Digital Security