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Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo - Italian Language School

Learn the Italian language and culture together with our teachers Giada, Alessio, Ileana and Antonio.
Discover with us not only how to learn to speak Italian in an easy and fun way, but also all aspects of life and culture in Italy: wine, food, music, culture, ....
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Il verbo AVERE. Io ho 25 anni - Impara l'Italia (Lezione 6 Livello A2) Learn Italian for beginners

15.09.2020 10:35

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La nostra insegnante Giada HA tanti pupazzi e oggi ce li presenta tutti.

Con l'aiuto di otto famosi cantanti italiani (Eros Ramazzotti, Max  Gazzè, Marco Mengoni, Gianluca Grignani, Laura Pausini, Ornella Vanoni e  Malika Ayane) ci spiega il VERBO AVERE. 

Cosa impariamo: grammatica: il presente del verbo AVERE; lessico: i nomi  delle parti del volto. 

Livello consigliato A2.

Our teacher Giada HAS many puppets and today she is presenting them to  us. 

With the help of eight famous Italian singers (Eros Ramazzotti, Max  Gazzè, Marco Mengoni, Gianluca Grignani, Laura Pausini, Ornella Vanoni  and Malika Ayane) she explain to us the verb TO HAVE. 

What we learn: Grammar: the present of the verb HAVE; lexicon: the names  of the parts of the face. 

Level A2.
Learn Italian with us! 

 ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ LEGGIMI █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂  


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